Motorcycle Show 香港電單車節 2018

2018電單車節完滿結速, 感謝客戶及各方好友支持!




Excellence in Brand Awareness 2018
eni 卓越品牌推廣獎 2018

我們於2018年的 eni 潤滑油亞太區年會上,榮幸獲得意大利 eni 總公司頒發的卓越品牌推廣獎。有賴各用戶的忠誠支持,金昌廿多年的努力經營得以被認同及肯定。我們定必繼續致力為客戶提供優質產品及服務。 
為慶祝這份殊榮,並與客戶分享喜悅,我們特別推出多項限時驚喜優惠。詳情請電2397 3345,或跟客戶主任聯絡。

We are honoured to have been awarded the Excellence in Brand Awareness in the eni  APAC Annual Convention 2018.  Thanks to the generous support of our valued customers, our efforts have been recognised. We are committed to offer quality products and services. We sincerely invite our customers to share our joy and gratitude, please keep checking with us for our special offers.